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Tinel #6 – Janus Boye

Are you ready for the new Tinel experience? On the…

Tinel Meetup
Lovački put 7

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Are you ready for the new Tinel experience? On the 30th of November, only a month after Hugo Giraudel’s talk about best ways of creating web forms, we’ve got a new treat for you. Our newest expert is none other than Janus Boye, Danish entrepreneur with amazing experience in digital business, sales and product management.

His first notable engagement was with Proxicom where he worked as a consultant for big brands like BMW and GE, before he branched into moderating different communities like CMS Experts or Software Product Management in both Europe and North America.

After starting his own company in 2003, he established a global community of peer-to-peer groups. J.Boye conference is held every year at different venues like Aarhus and Philadelphia. In his eyes, networking is the main foundation in bringing different communities together and we can’t wish for a better person to do the same thing in Split.

So, do you sometimes wonder what’s the best way to launch your business strategy? Would you like to know what’s the best way to take controlled risks? Maybe you’d like to know how to use failure as a learning curve and adapt to it?

This time around, Tinel Meetup will feature a respectable figure who will present himself with a talk on the most productive way of executing business strategy. Tinel Meetup #6 will take place on Thursday, 30th of November at the Locastic office in Split.

Tinel Meetup #6 – Agenda:

18:00 — 18:30 The gathering
18:30 — 18:45 Opening remarks: Danilo Trebješanin (Locastic)
19:00 — 20:30 Janus Boye: Execute your digital business strategy
20:30 — QA, discussion, networking

But that’s not all folks! We have got a new addition to our partner team and it’s no other than Uber, global transportation company. We know that sometimes a few Barba beers can make your head feel dizzy and Uber will make sure you don’t have to drive back home.

Let’s not forget our long-term partners, because Tinel would never be the same without Pivnica Plava Laguna who will bake their delicious pizza, Biberon Cakes will take care of the dessert and LAB Split Craft brewery will make sure we don’t run out of craft beer.

See you at the Locastic office in Split.


Tinel je nova struja na splitskoj IT sceni koja okuplja renomirane svjetske predavače, kao besplatan način edukacije za sve posjetitelje.

Događaj se odvija jednom mjesečno, a u dosadašnjih nekoliko iteracija se pričalo o raznolikim temama kao što su Open Source, dizajn, optimizacija web stranica, poslovne strategije, User Experience, ali i Content Marketing i SEO optimizacija koje su obogatile program Tinel radionica.

Tinel odlikuje opuštenom atmosferom i kvalitetnim predavanjima.

Sve uz potporu lokalnih partnera (Biberon, LAB Split Craft, Uber) koji osiguravaju besplatnu pizzu, pivo i torte, a post-event networking faza zna potrajati i do ranih jutarnjih sati.

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