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Tinel #3 – Harry Roberts

Not too long after we witnessed a great lecture on…

Tinel Meetup
Lovački put 7

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Not too long after we witnessed a great lecture on errors in design and how they contradict with business workflow, we are super excited to announce our third Tinel speaker.

Coming from the United Kingdom, Harry Roberts is an award-winning Front-end architect, consultant, designer, writer and speaker. His portfolio contains work with major companies like Google, BBC, Sky and United Nations in order to help them improve the quality of their user interfaces.

In 2014, he received an accolade from the Net awards, becoming the best young developer of the year. Besides his work throughout the years, he often gets hired for various workshops, consulting services, training and active development.

Harry will attend Tinel #3 with his talk on “Why fast matters”, which will cover the topic on how to enhance website performance and make it quicker.

If you want to ask him how he got started, what made him successful, and what he thinks is the best way to build your brand in CSS world, the QA session will be available after the lecture.

This premier lecture will be taking place on the 23rd of August at the Locastic office in Split.

Tinel Meetup #3 – Agenda:
19:00 — 19:30 The gathering
19:30 — 19:45 Opening remarks – Toni Miličević (Locastic)
19:45 — 20:30 Harry Roberts : Why Fast Matters
20:30 — QA, discussion, networking

Confirm your attendance at – http://meetu.ps/3cdpSY

See you at the Locastic office in Split.


Tinel je nova struja na splitskoj IT sceni koja okuplja renomirane svjetske predavače, kao besplatan način edukacije za sve posjetitelje.

Događaj se odvija jednom mjesečno, a u dosadašnjih nekoliko iteracija se pričalo o raznolikim temama kao što su Open Source, dizajn, optimizacija web stranica, poslovne strategije, User Experience, ali i Content Marketing i SEO optimizacija koje su obogatile program Tinel radionica.

Tinel odlikuje opuštenom atmosferom i kvalitetnim predavanjima.

Sve uz potporu lokalnih partnera (Biberon, LAB Split Craft, Uber) koji osiguravaju besplatnu pizzu, pivo i torte, a post-event networking faza zna potrajati i do ranih jutarnjih sati.

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