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Tinel #2 – Nemanja Jehlička

Following a really successful first edition of Tinel Meetup with…

Tinel Meetup
Lovački put 7

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Following a really successful first edition of Tinel Meetup with Sylius founder Paweł Jędrzejewski, we have prepared a treat for every graphic design enthusiast in Split.

Our second guest will be Nemanja Jehlička, owner at Lorem Ipsum studio from Belgrade, which specializes in graphics design, typography and illustration. Nemanja graduated in 2000. at the Lycee Technique Auguste Renoir University in Paris and soon after he worked as the Art Director in companies like FullHouse Ogilvy, Peter Gregson Studio and Unibrand Communications.

It didn’t take him too much time to test the business waters himself so he founded LoremIpsum.rs graphics studio with a few colleagues, before eventually taking over the company in 2013 and running it successfully ever since.

The new edition of Tinel Meetup is scheduled to take place on July, the 27th on the topic of “Whatever you think, think the opposite – Design as a beautiful error”. Considering that he has spent quite a lot of time in researching errors in overall workflow, that glimpse of a moment creates a turning point since it can change the whole project outcome.

He will introduce a few case studies, work studies in order to provide a better understanding on the matter, but even if you don’t manage to grasp everything, Nemanja’s QA session will definitely shed some light on all uncertainties.

While you are enjoying the amazing lecture, Plava Laguna Zenta will provide their delicious pizza, Biberon Cakes will be taking care of the dessert and LAB Split brewery will make sure we don’t run out of craft beer.

Book your place at http://bit.ly/2u8tBy0 and see you at the Locastic office in Split.

Event info
Datum: July, 27th 2017.
Start: 19:00h

Location: Locastic HQ – Lovački put 7, 21000 Split

Tinel Meetup #2 – Agenda:
19:00 — 19:30 The gathering
19:30 — 19:45 Opening remarks: Antonio Perić – Mažar (CEO at Locastic)
19:45 — 20:30 Nemanja Jehlička : “Whatever you think, think the opposite – Design as a beautiful error”
20:30 — QA, discussion, networking


Tinel je nova struja na splitskoj IT sceni koja okuplja renomirane svjetske predavače, kao besplatan način edukacije za sve posjetitelje.

Događaj se odvija jednom mjesečno, a u dosadašnjih nekoliko iteracija se pričalo o raznolikim temama kao što su Open Source, dizajn, optimizacija web stranica, poslovne strategije, User Experience, ali i Content Marketing i SEO optimizacija koje su obogatile program Tinel radionica.

Tinel odlikuje opuštenom atmosferom i kvalitetnim predavanjima.

Sve uz potporu lokalnih partnera (Biberon, LAB Split Craft, Uber) koji osiguravaju besplatnu pizzu, pivo i torte, a post-event networking faza zna potrajati i do ranih jutarnjih sati.

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