Split Tech City je zajednica sastavljena od tvrtki, udruga, institucija, meetupa i pojedinaca koji su posvećeni razvoju tehnološkog sektora u Splitu i regiji.

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Tinel #1 – Paweł Jędrzejewski (Founder of Sylius)

After years of visiting similar meetup events and gathering new…

Tinel Meetup
Lovački put 7

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After years of visiting similar meetup events and gathering new feedback and experiences, we are proud to announce the first edition of Tinel Meetup in Split. This is a brand new event on the horizon and the main idea is to provide a completely new perspective with interesting lectures, but in a relaxed “living-room” atmosphere.

Even though the focus will stay on the content connected with web and mobile development, we are hoping to secure lecturers from as many fields as possible – ranging from programming, design, up to general business topics.
Every month we will have a different agenda, so Tinel will not be specified only for certain age. We are hoping to attract all audiences from students to experienced business gurus. The goal is to provide interactive content every month and launch Tinel as your regular activity.

The event will take place at our Locastic headquarters (Lovački put 7, Split) in a spacious area adjusted for the cause.

Tinel Meetup #1 – Paweł Jędrzejewski (Founder of Sylius)

18:00 — 18:30
Door opens, networking

18:30 — 18:45
Opening remarks: Antonio Perić (Locastic CEO)

18:45 — 19:30
Pawel Jedrzejewski: Building a business with Open Source

20:30 — n/a
Networking: Food & drinks powered by dobartek.hr

Please RSVP and we’ll see you there http://meetu.ps/39Cn1V


Tinel je nova struja na splitskoj IT sceni koja okuplja renomirane svjetske predavače, kao besplatan način edukacije za sve posjetitelje.

Događaj se odvija jednom mjesečno, a u dosadašnjih nekoliko iteracija se pričalo o raznolikim temama kao što su Open Source, dizajn, optimizacija web stranica, poslovne strategije, User Experience, ali i Content Marketing i SEO optimizacija koje su obogatile program Tinel radionica.

Tinel odlikuje opuštenom atmosferom i kvalitetnim predavanjima.

Sve uz potporu lokalnih partnera (Biberon, LAB Split Craft, Uber) koji osiguravaju besplatnu pizzu, pivo i torte, a post-event networking faza zna potrajati i do ranih jutarnjih sati.

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