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Shift Conference 2014

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Past will again meet the future in the heart of Split thanks to the Shift conference. Once an ancient Roman palace, the 1700 years old city will now stage the largest IT event in South-East Europe, with
over 1000 people attending the conference.

Shift is the largest Startup event in South-East Europe.

Last year, in its premiere edition, this event gathered over 500 attendees and lasted three days. The event is divided in two parts: The Shift Challenge and The Shift Conference which is the main event. This year, Shift will gather over 1000 attendees and will last two days longer than last year, extending thus the duration of the event to a total of 5 days. The conference itself will be preceded by Shift Hackaton and Shift challenge. The Shift Hackathon, an exciting contest between young and talented programers, is this year’s novelty.

Shift Hackathon

Two events will be held before the conference. First is the Shift Hackathon, a contest between young program developers that will have 24 hours straight to develop a new app, which afterwards they will have to present to a jury. Once the winner team is picked and announced, they will be awarded with cash prizes. The jury will be made up of from IT experts from all around the world. The winners will have an excellent opportunity to promote themselves in the media and expand their business network.

Shift Challenge

After the Shift Hackathon, the Shift Challenge follows. It will gather 32 startups from all over the world fighting for an entrance to pitch as a part of the final 16. Finalists will present their ideas on the
stage during the conference in front of more than 1000 attendees. This year all three winners will enjoy the money prizes and the glory.

Shift Conference

The Shift Conference will take place in June 2014. With over a 1000 attendees we will talk, discuss and explore what’s next to be disrupted by the startup world. International speakers and entrepreneurs will be there to share their visions and ideas and inspire creative discussions. Thanks to the the presentations, the challenges, the awards and, of course, the spectacular parties, this event can be rightfully called the Cannes Festival of Startups.

Shift Parties

At the end of each day we will be hosting parties that will make you understand why Split has become the hottest Adriatic destination for all those looking to fully enjoy their summer nights. The best and the most exclusive clubs in Split will be hosting these parties and, in addition to positive vibes and good music, you can also expect plenty of fun surprises. Attendees of the conference are guaranteed to share experiences and create new business contacts in relaxed atmosphere.

This year summary:
5 days:
1000+ ateendees
4 parties
32 startups
40 speakers
100+ hackathon participants

More info: www.shiftsplit.com

FB: fb/shiftsplit
TW: @shiftsplit

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