Split Tech City je zajednica sastavljena od tvrtki, udruga, institucija, meetupa i pojedinaca koji su posvećeni razvoju tehnološkog sektora u Splitu i regiji.

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Shift Conference

The Shift Conference will take its attendees into the heart…
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The Shift Conference will take its attendees into the heart of Split, Croatia which is a living 1700 year old palace located right on the coastline of the beautiful Adriatic sea, giving the event one of the most beautiful and historic venues on the planet, taking you back in time to show of the future of innovation.

Shift consists of three major parts; the Shift Challenge, the Shift Conference and of course the best Parties at a startup event.

[CHALLENGE] The Shift Challenge is a unique chance to win glory, fame and prizes from Softlayer or the grand prize a $10.000 check with no strings attached. The final winner will be selected out of the 32 participants. After going through over 130 applications from 4 continents, the day has come to announce the 32 teams that have entered the Shift Challenge.

[CONFERENCE] 500+ international attendees, including entrepreneurs, journalists, bloggers and designers, participating in workshops, keynotes and much more.

[PARTIES] 3 days, 3 awesome parties that’ll represent the summer night lifestyle of the city, enabling all to kick back and relax after the SHIFT days, giving all of the attendees a memory to take back home with them

Web: http://shiftsplit.com/

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