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Second Mobile Monday Split: Android libs in practice & The story of WTF Jeans

Dear MoMo-ers, We are proud to announce that the next…
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Dear MoMo-ers,

We are proud to announce that the next Mobile Monday Split event will be held at FESB @A102 hall on 09.December at 18:00 (no, not the next Monday, the one after 🙂 )! 

The topics are:

18:00 Live coding: Android libs in practice

18:45 break

19:00 The story of WTF Jeans

19:30 Networking @FESB caffe

After a great first event, we are very happy to invite you to join the second one and learn a bit more about Android development, but also about how to succeed in business from the story of WTF Jeans!

Read more about the event at: http://profi.co/second-mobile-monday-in-split/

See you there,


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