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Prvi tjedan coworkinga u Splitu

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Sa zadovoljstvom Vas pozivamo na Prvi tjedan coworkinga u Splitu koji će se održati od 23. do 29. studenog 2015. godine. Tijekom ovih tjedan dana, dva coworking prostora u Splitu, Coworking Space Amosfera i CoWorking Split, otvorit će svoja vrata i omogućiti besplatan coworking.

Što je to coworking?
Coworking je globalni pokret koji okuplja poduzetnike, nezavisne profesionalce, digitalne nomade, startupe i druga mala poduzeća na jednom mjestu, pružajući im svu poslovnu infrastrukturu koju trebaju. Coworking prostori omogućavaju ljudima da rade neovisno, ali i da upoznaju druge ljude sa sličnim ili različitim razmišljanjima te s njima surađuju. Recite doviđenja usamljenom radu od kuće, iz bučnog kafića ili skupo unajmljenih ureda, pridružite se coworking zajednici i iskusite novi način rada! Pogledajte ovaj video za više informacija.

Pozivamo Vas na besplatno korištenje coworking prostora tijekom Prvog tjedna coworkinga u Splitu, za što je potrebno rezervirati svoje mjesto u Amosfera Coworkingu ili CoWorking Split. Uz coworking, pozivamo Vas i na brojne događaje koje ćemo organizirati svakog dana, a koji uključuju i prilike za raspravu i prezentaciju poslovnih ideja, stvaranje poslovnih veza i suradnju u oba coworking prostora.
Glavni događaji imaju ograničenje broja sudionika, stoga Vas pozivamo da osigurate svoje mjesto rezervacijom ovdje (link). Glavni dnevni događaji će se održavati svake večeri u 18:30 h.

Ponedjeljak 23.11.: Why being an Entrepreneur is the Scariest and Best Thing I Have Ever Done by Miguel David, suosnivač CoWorkinga Split i Taste Porto Food Tours (ENG)

Utorak 24.11.: How Coworking is Shaping Business Success by Tomislav Mamić, voditelj Amosfera Coworkinga i suosnivač Kluba mladih Split,
& panel rasprava s publikom u kojoj će sudjelovati Miguel David, Tomislav Mamić, Matija Raos (Predsjednik Hrvatskog Društva Nezavisnih Profesionalaca i pokretač Coworking Croatia) (ENG)

Srijeda 25.11.: Dobre i loše strane crowdfundinga – Bruna Bajić, autorica filma MODRI KAVEZ i voditeljica crowdfunding kampanje za isti film (HR)

Četvrtak 26.11.: Budućnost IT industrije u Splitu: IT meetup (HR)

Petak 27.11.: Startups ecosystem by Trevor Waldorf (Designer) (ENG)

Subota 28.11.: Završna zabava i proslava Prvog godišnjeg tjedna coworkinga u Splitu

Nedjelja 29.11.: Filmska večer

Amosfera Coworking prostor je svoja vrata otvorio 2013. godine te od tada okuplja freelancere, poduzetnike, startupe i razne druge profesionalce iz Splita, ali i cijelog svijeta. Amosfera je veliki “otvoreni prostor” s pogledom na more, smješten u drugom središtu grada, po arhitekturi i urbanističkim rješenjima poznatom Splitu 3, koji je udaljen 20 min hoda od Dioklecijanove palače, 10 min od plaže Trstenik i 5 min od sveučilišnog kampusa.

CoWorking Split je prostor koji prkosi ideji da se produktivnost može postići samo u hladnom, sterilnom okruženju. Umjesto toga, mi svojoj zajednici pružamo domaćinsko i inspirirajuće mjesto za rad sa svim sadržajima potrebnim za uspješan rad, od najbržeg dostupnog interneta, udobnih radnih sjedalica, kvalitetne kave i čaja, do osunčanog pogleda na more. Smješten u predjelu Meja, nalazi se samo 10 min hoda udaljen od Dioklecijanove palače i 5 min od plaže.

Pratite Amosferu na Facebooku, Twitteru i Instagramu ili posjetite našu web stranicu

Pratite CoWorking Split na Facebooku, Twitteru i Instagramu ili na web stranici www.CoWorkingSplit.com


We would like to invite you for First Annual Coworking Week In Split that will take place from November 23rd to 29th of this year. During this week the two coworking spaces of Split, Coworking Space Amosfera and CoWorking Split , will open their doors for a free week of coworking.

“What is coworking?”, you may ask. Coworking is a global movement that gathers together entrepreneurs, freelancers, digital nomads, start ups owners, and small businesses all in one place with all the work facilities that they may need. Coworking spaces allow people to work independently, as well as meet like-minded people to collaborate with and inspire one another. Say goodbye to working alone from home or in noisy coffee shops or overpriced office rentals, join a coworking space to experience a new way of working! Check out this video for further information.

Along with the ability to work for free throughout the First Annual Coworking Week In Split – please pre-book your place at Amosfera and CoWorking Split – there will be a number of daytime events, including opportunities to discuss and present business ideas as well as build business connections, taking place at both spaces. the main events are limited so please register here: link. A main event will occur every evening of the week at 18:30.

Monday 23rd: Why being an Entrepreneur is the Scariest and Best Thing I Have Ever Done by Miguel David, co-founder of CoWorking Split and Taste Porto Food Tours (EN)

Tuesday 24th: How Coworking is Shaping Business Success by Tomislav Mamic, [Insert title], followed by a panel and audience discussion with Miguel David (co-founder of CoWorking Split), Tomislav Mamic (managing director at Amosfera Coworking), Matija Raos (President of Hrvatsko drustvo nezavisnih profesionalaca and initiator of Coworking Croatia)

Wednesday 25th: The In’s and Out’s of Crowdfunding by Bruna Bajić (HR)

Thursday 26th: The Future of IT Companies in Split: IT meetup (HR)

Friday 27th: Startups ecosystem by Trevor Waldorf (Designer) (EN)

Saturday 28th: First Annual Coworking Week In Split Wrap-up Party

Sunday 29th: Movie Night

Amosfera has been open since 2013 gathering freelancers, business owners, designers, local entrepreneurs, start up managers from all over the world. It’s big, bright open space with beautiful view for a sea located in Split 3 neighbourhood which is 20mins walk from Diocletian’s palace, 10 minutes to the beach and 5 minutes to University campus.

CoWorking Split challenges the idea that the productivity can only be achieved in cold, sterile environment. Instead we give our community a welcoming and inspiring place to work with all the amenities needed to be at its best, from the fastest internet available to comfortable desk chairs to high quality coffee and tea to a sunny view of the sea. Located in the neighborhood of Meje only 10 minutes walk from Diocletian’s palace and 5 minutes to the beach.

Like us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/coworkingamosfera and visit our website
Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and Instagram and visit us at www.CoWorkingSplit.com

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