Split Tech City je zajednica sastavljena od tvrtki, udruga, institucija, meetupa i pojedinaca koji su posvećeni razvoju tehnološkog sektora u Splitu i regiji.

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Our first (and jubilee) meetup!

The first MoMo Split meeting is here! If you want…
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The first MoMo Split meeting is here!

If you want to read more about MobileMonday, visit www.mobilemonday.net


Talk: A deep look into the iOS.

– What do you need to start

– iOS Fundamentals. Foundation, Core Foundation, QT and many more


What to expect?

Hints. There’s always the new ones you can learn from someone, and you can teach someone

Friends. Our meetings shouldn’t be too formal. After the presentation/s finishes, grab some snacks and drinks, and start the nerd talk with others!

A job opportunity? Yep, there may be someone looking for a person like you.


Bring your laptops and present us your apps!

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