Split Tech City je zajednica sastavljena od tvrtki, udruga, institucija, meetupa i pojedinaca koji su posvećeni razvoju tehnološkog sektora u Splitu i regiji.

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Mobile Monday Split November – Mobile development & Silicon Valley

Dear MoMo-ers, We are proud to announce that the next…
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Dear MoMo-ers,

We are proud to announce that the next Mobile Monday Split event will be held at FESB on 04.November at 18:00 (yes it is the next Monday)!

The topics are:

18:00 Managing the development of mobile apps

18:40 Mobile business in Silicon Valley

19:00 Rizzo sandwiches at FESB caffe

We would love you to attend this new season of Mobile Monday Split events, powered by Profico! Learn more about the mobile world, and eat some sandwiches 🙂

Please read more at http://profi.co/mobile-monday-split/

See you on Monday


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