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Mobile monday Split February

Hi everyone! It is time for MoMoST#4!! Last time Goran…
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Hi everyone!

It is time for MoMoST#4!!

Last time Goran Leutar talked about how to start with iOS development and got great feedback from the crowd! 

On the following Monday Ivan Burazin, one of the founders, will be talking about CodeAnywhere, a mobile Start-up from Split that had great success in the Start-up world! You will be able to learn from first hand on how to build up a product and place it on the global market.

Like always the venue is A102 hall @FESB, and the event is starting at 18:00 on 03.02.2014.

After the event, CodeAnywhere is buying Rizzo sandwiches, and we will have a networking session in the nearby caffe!

Be sure to come, we will give away free CodeAnywhere premium subscriptions to the most active MoMo-ers.

Read more on the link: http://profi.co/mobile-monday-split-no4/

Be sure to RSVP Yes if you are coming!



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