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May Meetup – Retina for designers and devs. +free Shift tickets!

Y U NO RETINA? On this meetup we’re gonna talk…
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On this meetup we’re gonna talk about Retina. Retina on iPhones, iPads, Macs.
Retina on the web, mobile apps and something in between these.


What is Retina?

Retina is a display technology introduced 3 years ago with iPhone 4. It doubles the resolution, while objects on the screen stay the same size – making them crystal-clear.

That also means – if you don’t export for it, others with Retina displays will find your image blurry.


The talk will be given by Marin Usalj, who has just returned from 500 Startups (Silicon Valley), and will be happy to answer all your questions.


We’ll also give away 3 free Shift conference tickets. See you on Monday!


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