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Learn to code: Ruby on Rails

Kickstart your web development career! Ruby on Rails Used by…
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Kickstart your web development career!

Ruby on Rails
Used by Web Developers across the world as the fastest and most comprehensive way to build a web application. Implements the MVC framework, and has powered websites such as Twitter, AirBNB, and Shopify. Easy to get started, a relatively simple learning curve, and in demand by everyone from startups to corporations worldwide.

If you are still wondering why would you learn RoR, read this list of 20 reasons why every web developer should learn it!

Michael Pell is a professional web developer working in the industry for over five years. Specializing in Rails, he has also helped many students start a career in web development including a couple who have gone on to have companies accepted at places like Y-combinator.

About the program
The goal is teach how to make a simple web application using Ruby on Rails. We will be teaching the MVC framework (the most common web development pattern) and how Rails implements it. You will get a glimpse of the entire process from database to end-user, and will provide an excellent starting point for future career in web development. The course is imagined as a great starting point for web development.

The course is designed for rookies, but you have to come here prepared by bringing your own computer with installed Ruby and Rails program. You also have to be English proficient, as the course is held in English language.

Time & Place
Course lasts 9 hours in total, divided in three modules, held during three days (23rd – 25th September 2015). Each module starts at 12:00 and lasts until 15:00. Course will be organized in Klub mladih Split (adress: Ruđera Boškovića 20, 21000 Split, Croatia).

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