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Amosfera – growing our coworking community

Coworking is a new concept in the world, and even…
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Coworking is a new concept in the world, and even newer in Split. Split now has three coworking spaces, Amosfera, Cocreative and WIP, but do you know what coworking is, and why these spaces exist?

In this short presentation, we will share with you how coworking works across the world, and how we want it to work here in Split. If you are a freelancer, small business employee, entrepreneur or anyone who uses coffee shops or their home as an office, then come and find out more.

We want to expand our members, we want to build value for you and for the space, we want to see Split grow in other sectors other than tourism, and it’s down to all of us.

Join us to find out more about coworking, and how it can help you personally and professionally.

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