Split Tech City je zajednica sastavljena od tvrtki, udruga, institucija, meetupa i pojedinaca koji su posvećeni razvoju tehnološkog sektora u Splitu i regiji.

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Humans of Split Tech City; Ivan Matasović

Split Tech City

Split Tech City


Ivan Matasović sigurno vam je dobro poznato lice s naših OpenCoffee meetupa i ostalih događaja koje organiziramo. Vrijedni volonter koji svojom energijom i entuzijazmom doprinosi jačanju zajednice. No iako vam je lice poznato, vjerojatno vam nije poznata Ivanova priča…

129. OpenCoffee meetup
Foto: Damira Kalajžić
Predlažemo da je pročitate…

That year was a challenging year, full of important decisions, sudden changes facing the fears in the sea of uncertainty. A little before the start of last year I decided to make my last stand, otherwise, I would change the town and try a totally different approach. And for the point of perspective, I picked a random Twitter account that posts the percentage of the current year, driving me forward and reminding me of my goals represented in the following headings…

It all started when I felt a mental ceiling on my job as the main waiter, asked my manager if there was any way to improve my skills, learn new stuff, and go to the workshops. For perspective, I have over 15 years of experience in hospitality – in all roles. We had a really good education, field trips, and mentoring but we started to stale. He said that there isn’t any, he couldn’t offer me anything above. It was the “Deal with it” moment and it was painful.

Scrolling through my Instagram feed I saw Split Tech City’s story about summer school for programmers they were organizing, thinking; Man, I would be so lucky if I had that in my time. And the same I wrote to them. Curious, I started to read about volunteering benefits online and suddenly knew what to do. I applied to Split Tech City as a volunteer. From that moment everything changed. It opened a whole new world to me.

After meeting with Romana and talking about how I can give value to the association, I went to the first meetup. Oh boy, it was awkward, after the presentation, I literally ran away. What was a normal thing as I didn’t have experience with large crowds but also a mistake from my view today. A lot of good things are cooked at those kinds of meetups. You will see…

Don’t wait for anyone, create opportunities for yourself,

this was the quote that I saw while I was preparing the agenda for the Motivational conference – and it really caught my eye. It was the moment when I realized that this is one of the most important principles for growth. It is the same thing with luck.

Of course, nothing is perfect, we can only weigh to perfection in balance. In the vast variables that we can’t control there are networking, iteration, compounding, adaptivity, persistence, focus and momentum. They are the keys. Keeping your energy straight and strengthening your mindset.

And don’t forget to be a real “CMO” (Chief Moral Officer) 🙂 of your life!

P.S. Za potrebe rubrike izvukli smo ovaj djelić Ivanovog iskustva volontiranja koje mu je promijenilo život, a uskoro očekujte cijeli članak… Stay tuned…


O autoru:

Split Tech City

Split Tech City prvo je formalno udruženje splitske tehnološke zajednice, u koje su uključene tvrtke, udruge, institucije, meetupi i pojedinci.

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